Sunday, June 9, 2013

New Old Music

It's funny what you find on the internet. Specifically, videos which feature songs in tutorials. And it's easy to understand this song, as there are few words that are sung.

Casker - Fragile Days

Earlier stated, I found this song on a video (yes, I do watch a lot of strange videos when I am bored). But what grabs my attention would be the music played in the background. This is a relaxing sound that you can listen to just about anywhere, may it be a cafĂ©, a lounge, a stroll in the park - it sets the mood. Although it is by a Korean band, the words that are sung are peaceful and don't distract the rest of the laid back, up-tempo Jazz. Who they are, I am not sure. But I am glad that Vloggers choose good music that open up my library to endless options.

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