And it feels so nice when the people sing along...
060 Shawn Mendes - Mercy

No denial that he is a heartthrob, and that he is also Canadian - something about the True North boys that get girls swooning over. Shawn knows that slow songs are more suitable for him, as he doesn't seem to be much stressing on the big notes. This song is well done, although it can be boring after a few listens. But not to worry, his career will continue to grow from here.
059 Kent Jones - Don’t Mind

Heard this song on the radio, which was followed by a social media challenge. I have not seen the video, which I believe is the source for this dance challenge(?) But nonetheless, this quiet dirty song got people bopping to the beat, and shows that love has no boundaries; assuming you can call it love. Amusing to say the least, Kent Jones brought some life out of 2016.
058 Utada Hikaru - 花束を君に (A Bouquet For You)

Here is the second song from Utada Hikaru, with a rather cheery song. I found myself enjoying this one compared to the other single, mostly because it's rare to hear such a tune of the artist. For me, it felt like Utada was very comfortable singing a melancholy subject. The song is about leaving flowers for a departed one, showing their appreciation for that person. When you think of the song and its content, it all makes sense. I can't wait to see where this direction will bring the J-Pop star.
057 Michael Bublé ft Black Thought - Nobody But Me

When Michel Bublé has a featured artist, it's usually includes singing - I think this is the first time that a rapper appears with the Canadian crooner. For this experiment, a silly love song was made; and it works really well. While known for covers, Michael Bublé can create some wonderful songs, even if it's all fluff. I appreciate an artist who wants to try something new.
056 Judah & The Lion - Take It All Back

Once in a while, I will turn to other radio stations after I get tired of the same songs on repeat. When I stumbled upon this piece, I was not expecting such a folky song that tickled my interest. From the banjo to the utterly catchy chorus, making it a song that is perfect to scream at during a workout - at least, one of my co-workers does that. Let's see what 2017 brings them...
055 Tyler Shaw - Wicked

Not sure why Tyler Shaw is not getting the attention compared to his other Canadian counterparts. His music is catchy, it's always interesting, and he's just as good looking as the other acts. Regardless of the lack of attention, he created a simple song about getting to know someone. Discovering it's not an easy feat, he likes the challenge - doesn't every boy though? A talented young man, it would be fun to see a change in his sound.
054 DiRTY RADiO - Numbers

Sexy yet mysterious, that is how I would describe the song. Everything DiRTY RADiO makes, I instantly fall in love. In my opinion, this would be one of their best songs so far. There is a sophisticated touch to the song, it reminds me of lounge parties, in the mood for anything to happen. What will happen tonight? Well, find out and see what comes next...
053 Shawn Hook - Relapse

Dramatic in all the right places. Shawn Hook has exciting music, some of the best out of Canadian Pop. While I am ashamed to admit that I did not listen to this song as much, I will say that it's always a thrill to see where to song will lead, not knowing if a high note will come next, or an attack of synths. Another example of Canadian content the needs to be recognized - perhaps Canadians want to keep these artists to themselves!

Dramatic in all the right places. Shawn Hook has exciting music, some of the best out of Canadian Pop. While I am ashamed to admit that I did not listen to this song as much, I will say that it's always a thrill to see where to song will lead, not knowing if a high note will come next, or an attack of synths. Another example of Canadian content the needs to be recognized - perhaps Canadians want to keep these artists to themselves!
052 Adele - Send My Love (To Your New Lover)

Even when it sounds slightly a happy tune, Adele will sing about her tortured heart. But all in all, this song is mature, and brings out a positive out of a negative. The video is definitely trippy, but that is the most appealing part - the experience becomes a blur. For a song that's mostly guitar strings being plucked, Adele can deliver a big message; she's not a kid anymore.
051 Rihanna - Needed Me
Rihanna can do no wrong, even if she does. This song goes dark on this 'ballad,' if you can call it that. Meant to be a kiss-off to an ex, it doesn't even sound angry - because it's over. With the background creeping with haunted notes, all feelings have gone, and it's time to move on. Out of all the artists on the list, I believe Rihanna is the only act that has successfully done well in every era that she tackles. Looking forward to the next one.
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